
Author's Note

This is a very fresh one (devised in summer 2005), so there is something for you to discover.

I had that idea to create a game where all pieces on the board form a unity. They're fighting, but are bound to the enemy at the same time. A great dilemma for a gaming drama! And also a quite philosophical theme.

As I like stacking games a lot, I found in no time that stacks (with limited height) are a good means for creating local battles (which can be solved soon, ie. they are tactically interesting). But on the other hand you see yourself confronted with a growing population where lines of action cross the whole board. Also, the limited board size provides a nice finale.

Looking forward to your comments and findings. Please feel free to ed.nietsleips|reteid#em tcatnoc.

— Dieter Stein (spielstein)



  • Hexagonal Board - Played on a board that could be formed by connecting the center points of a hexagonal board of hexes with four spots on a side (exactly the same as the playing area of a Gipf board). If that's not clear, see the rules. The standard game is played on the points of a 7x7 square grid.


In March 2006 the Abande 2006 Super Duper Tournament started. Check out the progress at the game designer's page.


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